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About The Archbishop Paul Ruzoka Foundation.

Archbishop Paul Ruzoka Biography

Early Life Biography

Archbishop Paul Ruzoka was born on 10th November 1948 at Nyakayenzi (alias Bisumbititi), Kakonko District, Kigoma Region. His father is Bartholomew Ruzoka Rubondo (1912-1997) and Mother, Sidonia Bigina Ntamagara (1924-1998). He was the second born out of 7 children; the first being a girl.


At the age of 9 years he started his academic journey at Muhange Primary School, Kakonko District where he began Standard One (I) up to Four (IV) from 1957 to 1960. When he was finishing his primary education i.e. Std IV, he was baptized on 1st September, 1960, at St. Therese Parish, Kakonko, Kigoma Diocese having 12 years old. And since that time he lived as Christian in the Catholic Church.
In December 29 of the same year, he joined St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Ujiji, Kigoma for Middle School; then he proceeded to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Itaga -Tabora for Secondry Education (1966-1969).


As an aspirant for priesthood after finishing Itaga Seminary, in January 1970 he went to St. Anthony of Padua Major Seminary, Ntungamo- Bukoba where he did Philosophical Studies for two years (1970-1971). In 1972 he moved to St. Paul’s Senior Seminary, Kipalapala-Tabora for Theological Studies (1972-1975). He ultimately, obtained Diploma in Theology from Makerere University, Uganda.

After finishing his theological studies, still Paul Ruzoka followed faithfully his priestly formation inasmuch that on 21 July, 1974 he was ordained Deacon at Muhange-Nyaronga Parish, Kigoma. And after fulfilling the canonical time of working pastorally as Deacon, God made him to enter Priesthood being consecrated by Bishop Alfons Daniel Nsabi of Kigoma Catholic Diocese at St. Therese of Avila, Nyaronga Parish on 20th July 1975

Episcopal Career

He at first worked as a Curate at Kibondo Parish-Kigoma from 13th August to 30th December, 1975. Then he was appointed to work at St. Charles Borromeo Minor Seminary, Itaga, Tabora as Formator and Bursar of the Seminary. He started on 6th January, 1976. On September 1, 1980 he was appointed Rector of the same Seminary. From that time he worked as the Rector up to December 6, 1989. Within this time he also did further studies as follows: Diploma in Education (History and English) at Chang’ombe College, Dar es Salaam in 1978/1979; Short Bible Course and Long Retreat at St. Anne, Jerusalem, Israel, from March -May, 1987.
On 7th December 1989, his life history changed for he was named Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kigoma following the demise of Bishop A. D. Nsabi. He was consecrated Bishop by Pope John Paul II, on Epiphany Day, 6th January 1990 in Rome. He was later installed at Kigoma Cathedral, on 25th February, 1990. After leading the Catholic Diocese of Kigoma for 16 years he became Archbishop of Tabora following the nomination made by Pope Benedict XVI on 2006. He was then installed on 28th January, 2007 at Tabora.
As Bishop and later Archbishop, Paul Ruzoka did inumerable good things. He worked as: Chairman of the Peace and Justice Committee of Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) from 1991 to 2015; Member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; and Pontifical Council for Refugees and Migrants once from 1995 to 2014; Chairman of the Interfaith Committee for Economic Justice and Integrity of Creation of Tanzania Episcopal Conference, Christian Council of Churches and Moslem Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA) from 2008 to 2015.
In all the time, he has worked with a great enthusiasm. He has been sympathetic to the victims of injustices; empathetic to the marginalised like abandoned children, and people with disablities including albinos who, for example in Tanzania, passed a brutal moment of being hunted as wild animals because bad beliefs. Showing his great concern for these marginalised people, he has started various centres which help them. For example, in Kigoma he established the ‘Nsanganigwa Children’s House’ which nurtured tens of children from difficult environment. And in Tabora he established the ‘Matumaini House’ at Cheyo Parish which at first took care of albinos and later incorporated even other abandoned children.

Social Contributions

He has been longing to open various youth centres in order to equip them with important knowledge and skills in order to overcome unemployment problems among the youth and give them a better future life. Archbishop Paul Ruzoka has been longing so much to curb illiteracy, especially, in Tanzania where still many people don’t have access to better education. He has promoted the establishment of several Pre and Primary Schools, and even Secondary Schools. But also hospitals, health centres and dispensaries are not out of the list too.


After his long working life, Paul Ruzoka retired as Archbishop of Tabora on 10th November 2023 at the Canonical age of 75. Even after his retirement, he has continued to cooperate with his Local Ordinary, His Eminence Protase Cardinal Rugambwa, his successor. He is a lover of books so he enjoys a good moment of reading, meditating and even writing. He continues supporting those who want to be authors by advising them, reading and editing their manuscripts tirelessly. Himself has written a number of them: Tumikianeni kwa Ukarimu (2000), Towards a Better Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees in Africa at the Dawn of the Third Millenium (2008), Buha and Christianity in Glance (Amazon, 2023); Historia ya Ukristo Katika Unyanyembe na Ukanda wa Maziwa Makuu (Amazon, 2023); Jubilii ya Miaka 130 ya Ukristo: Wakumbukeni waliowaongoza Igeni Imani yao (Ecoprint Ltd, 2008), etc. But on top of that he still shows his eagerness to help the needy.